Reaction to Short Essay: The Soul of Communication

I believe that this article has highlighted the importance of effective communication in any organization. It has shown the effects of poor communication such as the cost of rectifying mistakes caused, as stated in the article where employee misunderstandings and poor communication resulted in 37 billion dollars lost. The article also highlights how the development department could improve skills training by including the core of communication which is critical thinking. 

I believe that critical thinking is an important component of communication, as it enables ideas and thoughts to be exchanged effectively. As a leader I believe that without critical thinking, you would not be able to lead your team effectively as you are not able to communicate your ideas across. This would result in mistakes or work having to be redone as the objectives of the task were not communicated effectively in the first place. The use of critical thinking can be applied in not only the workplace but our daily lives as well ensuring our ideas are brought across to our peers.


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